Pretty much everyone I know has been talking about Twilight! I love to read, but the only thing is once I get into a series of books everything doesn't seem to exist. Such as my kids, husband, laundry, dishes, etc. So I vowed to myself that I wouldn't read Twilight until Christmas was over, because I was afraid my kids wouldn't have a Christmas. I know it's pathetic, but true! Dee had asked what I wanted for Christmas and one of the things I would like was the Twilight books. So my wonderful husband, who obviously has not talk to other husbands decided to give me the first two books for Christmas. At that point, I didn't start reading until New Years Eve, but from Christmas to New Years Eve, Someone talked to Dee about their wife & how they wanted to throw out the books, so their wife could come back to reality! We'll within that short period of time, Dee was starting to regret buying them. Knowing that he was feeling this way, I decided that I would read the books at night, and keep up with my daily responsibilities so that my husband wouldn't regret or of course feel like he's lost his wife to some Vampire story! LOL! New Year's Eve came & I started reading. I read throughout the entire night, and Dee woke up the next morning & was surprised that I was on book 2. So I guess since he felt like he still had his wife around, he decided to take me to watch the movie! What a good husband! Within minutes of the movie, Dee gave me this funny look and asked "Is that what I think it is?" I couldn't hold back my laugh, and I said yes. He then whispered in my ear " I thought people were joking when they said it was about a VAMPIRE!" Anyhow, he enjoyed the movie just as much as I did, but I did tell him that reading the book helps understand the movie better! After book two, I was desperate to find out what was going to happen. So my husband decided to go with me and look for book 3. He sat in the car with the kids, while I ran in Wal-mart. Well, I had gone down the book isle, and didn't see what I wanted. So like a little child, I paced up and down several times eyeing every book on the shelf. And to my disappointment, Eclipse was no where to be found. I didn't give up, so I started moving books just in case a copy had been misplaced. Mind you, I was getting frustrated, and I kept thinking to myself, "I hope no one is watching how desperate I am for this book" and I was also thinking "I hope I am not being punk ed or being video camera for twilight addicts!" Dee couldn't stop laughing at me, while I tried to explain my reaction in the store. So he decided to take me to two other stores, and to my disappointment there was none. So I sat in anxiety & desperation for two days, wondering & waiting. Finally, I pleaded my case to my sister-in-laws, and sure enough Katrina Takahashi had graciously filled my desperation & starvation for more of Twilight! (Thanks Katrina, I owe you big time!). I honestly don't know which was harder for Dee, to see me lose sleep or to see me go through two days of searching desperately for book 3 & 4. Either way I am sure he had a good laugh! I finished book 3 & 4 in two days. And Dee was happy that it was over in a week since he had to sleep with an eye mask every night. However, he always had to remind me that I looked like a walking zombie! It was worth IT! I am sure he will do his homework prior to buying any books for me in the future!